Replace group texts, messaging apps, email and social platforms.
Built for prayer
PRAYR has been developed with one central task in mind.
Focused on ministries and churches
PRAYR can be customized to your specific ministry.
Designed for small groups
Small group leaders can use the app to facilitate groups, manage requests, and encourage others.
Striving to draw closer to Christ
The ultimate vision of PRAYR is to help Christians grow and mature in their prayer lives so they can grow and mature in the faith.

Ministries are Partnering with PRAYR
Alpha takes praying very seriously and needs a tool. We like the PRAYR app because “It is all about relationships….relationship with Jesus and relationship with others! “We have looked at many prayer apps, and this is the only one I would use!

Angela Chadwick
Global Director of Prayer
Alpha International

Leslie Freeman
Intercession Director
JH Ranch
What this app does to invest in the encouragement and development of prayer leaders and communities is absolutely VITAL in the Kingdom of God right now. We are so excited to see how PRAYR will strengthen both individuals, small groups, and entire prayer networks in our ministry and beyond!
As a Young Life leader and staff person, I am thrilled to see how this will help us continue to center prayer in an easy and efficient way. Utilizing the very best parts of social media without the junk, I can see my friends, Young Life girls, fellow leaders, and staff members' prayer requests. God will use this app to ignite the hearts of His people to intercede on others' behalf.

Katie Davis
Assoc. Regional Director
Young Life

Susan Miller
Executive Director & Founder
Just Moved Ministry
PRAYR will change the way we do ministry! The PRAYR app equips leaders to lead groups in prayer using pictures, chat capabilities, quotes, and scripture. I foresee the PRAYR app knitting together our ministry in prayer!